Wednesday, November 30, 2011

i just felt like running ...

super crazy day at work today - quite draining but i knew i had to get out there and run tonight!  the weather cooperated and was only about -5C.  got geared up and headed out - with my Odester of course!

got to the usual turn around for my 5k route ... but wanted to keep running so i did!  ended up doing 7.59K in one hour.  i notice that my pace is quite a bit slower running in the snow, but I like just doing it and not worrying about pace.  felt good to be out there tonight - the quiet calm was really needed.

i'm liking this running in the cold so far!  oh - outfit was perfect today!  for those of you who are wondering - lol - if there are actually any readers! - i wore a short sleeve wicking top, a long sleeve top (with thumb holes - my fave) and my MEC running coat ... with the ugly vest on top of course!  safety first!  ditched the fleece lined aka falling down tights for leggings under my nice Nike running pants.  a neck warmer and a wide headband completed the ensemble.  pretty perfect temperature wise.

and now to do some dishes before i crash for the night.

If you're participating in the 20 Day Holiday Workout Challenge, how is it going?  

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

silent night ...

lovely evening for a run!   The sky filled with stars over head and the moon leading the way, good Christmas tunes in my ear and Odie by my side, heading to a good friend's for coffee!  couldn't ask for much more.

The temperature was about -10C tonight and I ran 3K total.   The clothing situation was a bit better but I still need to work that out.  Definitely need to get warm tights with a drawstring, so I'm not hiking up my pants as I go along!

Day 2/20 done!

What did you see today that was truly beautiful?

First snow run ever!

Headed out with Odie last night for what I thought would be our regular walk.  I did wear my running shoes, as there isn't quite enough snow yet for boots.  Got going then thought "maybe I should just try to run!".  So I did - and it was great!  Wasn't too cold, around -4C.  I was not dressed appropriately - way too hot on the way back - b/c I hadn't planned on running, so had to stop at a friend's store to off load my scarf - thanks Denice!  :)

Got 5K done in about 44 minutes which is quite a bit slower than my normal pace.  It was so nice being out there and I think Odie liked it too!  Perhaps I'll keep on this winter running thing for awhile!

I have committed to the 20 Day Holiday Workout Challenge which came from this great blog that I follow.  The basic idea is to work out every day for the 20 working days before Christmas.   So I've completed 1/20 so far ... I might have to get creative to get those workouts in, especially as the temperature drops!

It's a beautiful sunny day right now, I'm wishing I had a flexible work day so I could run right now!  Alas, must get back to work in 20 minutes.

What are some ways you plan on staying active this holiday season?