Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First snow run ever!

Headed out with Odie last night for what I thought would be our regular walk.  I did wear my running shoes, as there isn't quite enough snow yet for boots.  Got going then thought "maybe I should just try to run!".  So I did - and it was great!  Wasn't too cold, around -4C.  I was not dressed appropriately - way too hot on the way back - b/c I hadn't planned on running, so had to stop at a friend's store to off load my scarf - thanks Denice!  :)

Got 5K done in about 44 minutes which is quite a bit slower than my normal pace.  It was so nice being out there and I think Odie liked it too!  Perhaps I'll keep on this winter running thing for awhile!

I have committed to the 20 Day Holiday Workout Challenge which came from this great blog that I follow.  The basic idea is to work out every day for the 20 working days before Christmas.   So I've completed 1/20 so far ... I might have to get creative to get those workouts in, especially as the temperature drops!

It's a beautiful sunny day right now, I'm wishing I had a flexible work day so I could run right now!  Alas, must get back to work in 20 minutes.

What are some ways you plan on staying active this holiday season? 


  1. How did I not know that this blog existed?? Hmmm?

  2. been tinkering with it for awhile now ... just went 'public' today! :)
